
Associates / Adlul Hamidi Zalnur, S.H., CLI.

Adlul Hamidi Zalnur, S.H., CLI.

Adlul is the Senior Associate of Dewi Djalal & Partners Law Office. He obtained his law degree from the Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia. He mainly works in litigation matters, alternative dispute resolutions, corporate matters, insurance, mining, shipping, licensing and investment, labor and employment. Apart from handling general civil cases, he is extensive in handling state administrative disputes (TUN) and special civil cases, i.e., bankruptcy and debt suspension of payment obligations (PKPU), industrial relation dispuutes (PHI).

He is a certified advocate of the Indonesian Advocates Association (PERADI), a registered Receiver and Administrator with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic Indonesia and a member Association of the Indonesian Receiver and Administrator (AKPI), as well as a registered Certified Liquidator Indonesia and a member Association of Indonesian Liquidator (PPLI). 

He speaks both Bahasa and English.